Prices of houses sold in 2024 in Westhoek, Westkust and Roeselare

Placed at 26/11/2024

Recent prices of houses in Westhoek, Westkust and Roeselare

Below you will find the median price of a house sold in the second quarter of 2024 in most municipalities where I am active. The median price is the sales price of the 51st most expensive house when 100 sold houses are classified by price. The median price is approximately the same as the average price, but usually takes less account of extremely expensive or cheap houses. The table in the appendix provides an overview of the evolution of the evolution of the median prices for all houses sold (both terraced houses, semi-detached houses and villas) in Poperinge, Veurne, De Panne, Ypres, Roeselare, Koksijde and Diksmuide between 2021 and the 2nd quarter of 2024. (for 2021, 2022 and 2023 the weighted average of the median price per quarter was taken)
Median sales prices in the second quarter of 2024 of all houses sold, both terraced houses and villas, excluding apartments.
Ypres: €267,500
Poperinge: €272,500
Roeselare: €248,250
Diksmuide: €235,463
Houthulst: €220,000
De Panne: €302,000
Koksijde: 372,250
Langemark: 198,750
Veurne: €319,000
Zonnebeke: 275,000
source Min.v Econ Zaken (too few houses were sold in Alveringem, Lo-Reninge and Vleteren in this quarter)
These prices are the median sales prices for one quarter, namely the second quarter of 2024. Depending on the type of house sold (terraced house, villa, farmhouse, etc.), the location, the condition of the house (renovation required or not) there are major differences.
If we look at the trend of the first and second quarters of 2024, we see an upward trend in prices in De Panne and Poperinge and to a lesser extent in Veurne. In Poperinge, the median price in the 2nd quarter of 2024 was higher than in Ypres. Prices are stabilising in Ypres. There is a downward trend in Diksmuide. In Roeselare, the median prices are falling slightly and Koksijde and Houthulst experienced a dip in the second quarter, although in absolute figures, houses in Koksijde continue to have the highest median price, followed by Veurne and De Panne. There is a decline in the number of sales. Are the higher interest rates, the increased renovation costs and the renovation obligation the cause of this, which means that older homes remain on the market longer? There are no figures for Alveringem, Lo-Reninge and Vleteren because there were too few sales. For Langema rk, there were quarters with too few sales. A correct estimate is of great importance.

For an exact valuation of your home, it is best to make an appointment on 0495/64 17 27

or go to:  Request valuation
  2021 2022 2023 Q1 2024 Q2 2024
Ieper 247805 265924 261984 260.000 267.500
Poperinge 207959 215482 254318 235.000 272.500
Veurne 271895 297657 302191 327.500 319000
Diksmuide 265167 271132 258153 250000 235.463
Houthulst 232802 246299 261011   220.000
Koksijde 362940 381720 425671 425.000 372.250
De Panne 229191 251939 258.301,00 245.000 302.000
Roeselare 245250 260035 262250 240.000 248.250